Friday, March 4, 2011

VoIP service basics for the newbie

In simple words, VoIP or voice over internet protocol is a new kind of phone service that uses internet to send and receive voice data. The basic upgrade that is offered by VoIP over the old telephone is that it uses the digital signaling technology while telephone was dependent on the analog signaling technology. Internet is the medium which carries the voice from one phone caller to the other. When we talk to someone through this phone system, our voice is changed into digital signals before entering the internet data stream.
Running VoIP phone:
VoIP is a simpler than it sounds. All you need is a fast internet connection to send and receive voice data and a reliable VoIP Service like Axvoice which can ensure that you stay connected with your loved ones anytime you want. It is always better to have a look at the customer reviews before opting for a phone service. You should also be aware of the fact that not all so called fast internet connections can easily run the internet phone. You must ask your phone service provider about the required bandwidth and ensure that from your internet service provider before blindly trusting on your internet connection capabilities.
Reliance of internet phone service on internet has remarkably cut the costs of calling. National and international calls have never been that economical before. Different service providers offer different packages tailored to the suiting of varying customer needs. Some customers frequently call local numbers while others have to call international destinations. Customers can now choose from different call plan options to fulfill their calling requirements without paying too much for their phone service.
Calling plans:
Call plan is a set of service features offered to the customers against a particular subscription fee. Choosing a calling plan should be a carefully looked at matter because at the end, wrong selection will not only increase your phone bill but you won’t also be fully able to derive all the utility from your phone.
Service features:
Different services offer different features. Some service features are considered advanced while others are considered basic. Service features mainly facilitate the way you use your phone service. For example, the E911 feature helps you in case of an emergency where you call the service and they will be able to trace your location through the service you are using. Another facility called the online account management facility helps you manage all your account details from anywhere in the world.
Customer support:
Like all other phone services, you may have problems using the VoIP service for which you might want to consult your service provider. Customer reviews is often a great way to know if the service provider that you are choosing is prompt enough to respond in time and is concerned about delivering a trouble free service. A casual and non serious service provider with no concern for customers usually makes using your phone service a very frustrating experience.
This basic introduction will help you lay a foundation for knowing more about the internet phone service before settling for one.

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